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on the Delta County Fairgrounds in Escanaba, Michigan.

Monday, April 19, 2010

4/17/10 Work Bee

A big thank you to volunteers at the UPIR work bee Saturday, April 17th. The cement wall barrier is nearing completion. Rock pickers made a big dent in the stones. The Tough Truck track is now complete.

Marv Adams - Tom Dubord - Nick Pinar
Matt Adams - Ray Gardner - Steve Rose
Jim Baldwin - Allen Guindon - Bobby Rose
Bill Clement - Jamie Iverson - Kathy Rose
Lonnie Dalgord - Julie Iverson - Gary N. Spencer
Karen Degnan - Jim Liss - Luke Vermote
Scott Degnan - Justina Liss - Boyd Widdis
Macy Degnan - Jesse Liss - Bret Widdis
Drake Degnan - Dennis Pepin … hope nobody omitted

-Tom Dubord
-John Buckland Contracting
-Derouin’s Auto Body
-Ken & Marcia Bower
-Dennis Pepin
-Rose Forest Products
-Boyd, Bret & Allison Widdis

Pizza Pizza
Little Caesar’s donated pizza and soda